Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday catch-up

Sunday was one of those amazing days that you have from time to time as a pastor of a church that really can't be explained. The way I usually react to those days is that I have a huge adrenaline rush, and then the following day I have very little energy as I come off of the natural high. As a result, I didn't even consider trying to post a blog yesterday. Instead, here are some of my thoughts about the Sunday that was:

- I hope you were there. Baptism is one of those things that I never want anyone to miss out on, because I believe as we do it we get a glimpse into Heaven. People openly proclaiming their love of and commitment to Jesus, cheering and clapping at what He has done, hanging out with friends, are all part of what happened Sunday afternoon, and those are also all things we will get to do for eternity in Heaven.

- I love watching other people do the dunking. Donny and I only baptized 5 of the 16 folks on Sunday. Instead of us, a husband baptized his wife, Dads baptized their kids, a brother baptized his sister, and a friend baptized a friend. Seeing those Dads walk into the lake with their kids was really something special. As I said on Sunday, John the Baptist had never been ordained or gone to Seminary and he baptized Jesus. Obviously Donny and I are not the only ones qualified.

- I was reminded that it's never too late. One man came to see his adult daughter be baptized, and as we were talking before everyone arrived he told Donny that he needed to be baptized. He accepted Jesus in 1965 but never followed His example by being baptized. He decided that he could not wait any longer, so he took off his shoes and socks and waded into Lake Lyman in his street clothes. Kinda reminds me of this verse in Acts.

- Doing baptism at a public lake is a great way for people to see what Freedom is all about. Several people noticed that as we were baptizing, a boat with four guys in it stopped and watched. We don't who they were, but they saw an example of the church doing what Jesus commanded.

Thanks to Kathy Hannah for the great picture of Jason Trusty baptizing his daughter Leah. I hope you don't mind that I stole that shot off of your facebook page Kathy!

God continues to do some great things at Freedom! I believe that it is only the beginning of what He has in store for us.


Jerry Wells said...

This is not going to a very long comment. I would just like to say "WOW"

Chip Reeves said...

Thanks for this encouragement. Ill be using some of this content tonight to help us answer the question, "How has the reality of Jesus been revealed to you?"