Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sunday scripture and breakfast cereals

It's Friday! Here's some quick thoughts for the weekend:

Be sure and read yesterday's post about the list of still needed school supplies for Back to School Bash.

The scripture we'll be covering this Sunday is 2 Samuel 6. This is a chapter that contains some pretty surprising stuff.

Yesterday Sherry went grocery shopping and brought home a box of Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch. That is without question my all time favorite cereal. Here's a list of my five favorite cereals:

1. Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch - There was a time in my life where I ate at least one bowl of this everyday. I've always wondered if Cap'n is an official title. If he were in the actual Navy would he be Captain, but in the world of cereal military it's just Cap'n? Who is the cereal Navy defending us against?

2. Reese's Puffs - The next best thing to PBCC. It has peanut butter and chocolate flavor puffs.

3. Frosted Flakes - Even with a tiger as the spokesperson I still like this cereal.

4. Honey Nut Cheerios - This one is actually good for you. That fact almost disqualified it from the list.

5. Apple Jacks - One of the best parts about eating Apple Jacks is the way the milk tastes when you're done.

There's the top five. In reality I like just about any cereal with the exception of frosted mini wheat. If I want something like that I'll sprinkle some sugar on pine straw and put it in a bowl. Also, I'd like to send out a long distance dedication (a la Casey Kasem) to King Vitamin. The King and I shared some good times in Middle School and High School.

I hope I have given you enough useless stuff to think about over the weekend. See you on Sunday!


Chip Reeves said...

It's a little bit dismaying that after years of dedicated service there has been no promotion. Ad'mral Crunch, where art thou?
A few years ago I had Spooky Froot Loops (FL+marshmallow ghost). This stuff red-lined the sugar tachomoter.

Sammy Clary said...

Man, you must live in the high rent district. We never had the real stuff. We had such favorite generic cereals as Apple Holes, Frosty Loops, and Honey Rings. If we wanted something with peanut butter on there we had to put it on it ourselves.

DMaC said...

What timely subject matter. Last week I was in Michigan near Battle Creek. Home of Kellogs. I'd like to say I took a tour of the factory and won a years supply of Honey Bunches of Oh'. I'd like to say it...