Thursday, July 10, 2008

VBS: a little wet but still loads of fun, Favre, and beer

Last night we got some rain at VBS.
The night wasn't lost however, due to the fact that the rain came later in the evening when all of the groups had completed the teaching time. Some of the groups missed out on crafts and recreation, but all of the groups got to enjoy the two most important parts of any VBS, the Bible (that is what the "B" in VBS stands for after all) and snacks. I've got to say that the snacks our kids get to eat are better than the butter cookies and kool-aid we had at VBS when I was a kid.

Tonight we'll finish the week with a big celebration.
There will be hot dogs, snow cones, cotton candy, a non-scary clown, face painting, the Chik-Fil-A Cow, and lots of fun. I usually think it's kind of selfish to pray that it doesn't rain, but if you think about it pray that it won't rain at Lake Robinson between 6:00 and 8:00 tonight.

Here's my humble opinion on some other things going on in the world:

Brett Favre should stay retired.
There has been no other player in the history of the NFL who I have enjoyed watching more than Favre, and I think he could still be effective for another season. That being said, this going back and forth every off-season between retirement or playing is annoying. The guy I really feel sorry for is Aaron Rodgers who is Favre's back-up. He is in a no-win situation. The only thing he can do is lay low, and try to avoid reporters who would love to get a quote from him saying he's glad Favre's gone and hopes he stays in Mississippi.

Beer commercials are the best ads on television.
This has been true for a long time, but there's a Heineken commercial right now that I love. It's the one where people are passing a bottle of Heineken to one another. The bottle passes through all different cultures and areas of the world, and the slogan on the screen at the end is "Share the Good".

As soon as I saw it I thought, "that's what the church should be doing!", not sharing a bottle of beer with each other, but passing along the message of Jesus from one person to another across cultural, racial, political, and geographical lines. My friend Chip wrote a cool post on this same commercial last week. Maybe when Blake gets back from all of his trips I'll get him to help me post the video of the ad on here so, you can see it yourself.

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