Friday, December 21, 2007

Sunday forecast

This Sunday at Freedom is going to be lots of fun. I hope you have already invited some friends to come with you. If you haven't, there's still plenty of time to make some calls and send some e-mails. If you usually hang around in the atrium drinking coffee for a long time each Sunday and don't come into the auditorium until the third or fourth song, you will want to be sure to get there earlier this week. The first song will be one you don't want to miss! Here are a couple of things I reminded ya'll about last Sunday that we need to remember:

- If you are on a team that arrives at the high school early (set-up, band, preschool teacher, etc.) we are asking you to please park in the parking lot beside the school. That will leave all of the good parking spaces for the guests you have invited. It will be a little walk, but getting your heart rate up before you come into worship is a good thing.

- When you enter the auditorium please sit all the way down towards the front, and slide into the middle of the row you're sitting on. This will give late-comers plenty of room to find a place for their family to sit.

- Come expecting something great to happen. I listened to a sermon by Frances Chan this week where he talked about a young lady who leads worship at a college campus near his church. He talked about her joy and passion that is evident every time she leads worship, and he asked her where it comes from. I thought her answer was very cool. She said, "every week I pray that God will do something new. I ask Him to not allow us to have a repeat of last week's service. Our God is a creator, so I ask Him to create something new in our worship service every week." I am praying that same thing for this Sunday's worship, I hope you will as well.

Beacon Blowout update: We had a great time at lunch yesterday. There were 9 guys who weren't afraid of a little grease. Actually it was a lot of grease! We did what real men do when they are at ease and having fun. We ate too much, told lots of stories, made fun of each other, and laughed really loud. I loved it! If you are disappointed you missed it, go ahead and plan for next year. We always do lunch at the Beacon a few days before Christmas. If you want to go sooner, you'll have to come up with a different place. My body can barely handle one Beacon meal a year.

1 comment:

DMaC said...

Hey dude, sorry I didn't invite anyone. Man did I drop the ball.
Thought I'd reply since no one else has. I was going to get in on the Christmas songs action but didn't have any good material. And then an Elvis CD set commercial came on and I can't get CC Rider out of my head.
Hope ya'll have/had a good Christmas.