Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Checking in

Sherry reminded me yesterday that it had been some time since I wrote anything on the ol' blog here. I won't make any excuse other than taking some time off for Christmas, and New Year's. Here's some stuff going on now that you might want to know about (or not).

- I'm really excited about the new series of messages we began this past Sunday. I was telling Donny and Blake today that it has been great planning these messages on Nehemiah, because the story of how God shaped His vision into Nehemiah's life is so clear in the scripture. All I have to do is tell the story and get out of the way. That's really the way preaching should be all the time isn't it?

- Pray for my Dad tomorrow. Sherry and I are heading to Columbia tomorrow to be with my parents while my Dad has a heart procedure. It isn't open heart surgery, but it's a pretty involved process to try and keep his heart from going in and out of rhythm. The procedure starts at 8:00, and can take anywhere from 4-6 hours to complete. I would appreciate your prayers for him and my Mom.

- Christmas was fun and busy and now that it's over I'm ready for Spring. The warm weather we had yesterday really made me have Spring fever. If it weren't for the NFL playoffs I would prefer to skip January and February altogether.

Keep checking in for new posts here. I will try and put a report about my Dad on here tomorrow night, and then I will get back in the regular habit of writing three to four times a week. Besides, American Idol will be starting soon, you know I'll have plenty to say about that.


Jerry Wells said...

I had noticed that you had gotten a little slack on posting! Happy New Year to you and your Family.

me said...

Been praying for your dad today, my friend. Let us know how he's doing.